Mumbai: After Hollywood and Bollywood, the #metoo waves has now entered the Bengali film industry. Popular television actor Rupanjana Mitra has reportedly brought shocking allegations of sexual misconduct against renowned Bengali filmmaker Arindam Sil.
In an interview with one of the leading news portal, the actress has revealed how the filmmaker behaved inappropriately with her after calling her in his Kolkata office for the reading of the script for a popular daily soap Bhumikanya.
The actress told: "He had called me in his office to read out the script of the first episode of Bhumikanya. It was a few days before Durga puja. Surprisingly there was nobody in his office when I reached there at 5 pm. I had an uncanny feeling. Suddenly he got up from his seat and started moving his hand over my head and back. It was only him and me in his office. I was feeling scared that I would probably get raped now and desperately praying for someone to enter the room."
"After a while, I could not take it anymore and firmly asked him to speak to me about the script. He perhaps understood that I was not that kind of woman who would give in to his tricks. He suddenly entered the director mode and started explaining the script to me and within five minutes his wife entered the office," she stated.