Mumbai: Actor Mahaakshay Chakraborty, who will next be seen in the film Sorry I Am Late, doesn't agree with the idea of nepotism because he feels everyone has to go through their struggles in life. He adds that being actor Mithun Chakraborty's son puts a certain responsibility on him.
"There is struggle in everyone's life. I am Mithun Chakraborty's son and at home he is just my father, but for the world he is a dancing superstar, and a three-time National Award winning actor. He is an ultimate megastar of the country. So, there is a responsibility on me as his son, and there is always a huge burden on my shoulder, but people don't see that," said Mahaakshay.
"When I go for auditions, I don't tell people I am Mithun Chakraborty's son -- unless they know who I am. I feel I am just a regular actor. I want to spread this message that just because we are somebody's son, daughter, nephew or niece, we don't get all things easily. We also have our responsibilities, which make us fight harder," added the actor, while interacting with the media at the promotional press conference of Sorry I Am Late.