Mumbai: Following PM Narendra Modi’s unique exercise to light lamps on Sunday, many B-town celebs including Akshay Kumar, Kartik Aaryan, Karan Johar, Deepika Padukone, Rakul Preet, Nushrat Bharucha, Taapsee Pannu among others lit candles of hope and portrayed the symbol of unity. They came to their balconies and prayed for the victory of light over darkness.
Akshay Kumar uploaded a picture in which he is seen holding a candle in the balcony. "Together we stand and together we will come out of this dark phase. Till then stay strong, stay safe," he captioned.
Deepika Padukone shared a picture with husband Ranveer who is seen holding a lamp. She shared the picture on her Instagram story, hoping for the situations to get better.
Ranveer Singh also posted the same picture on his Insta Story.
Karan Johar shared a video in which he is seen standing in balcony switching on the flashlights with son Yash and daughter Roohi. "Let there be light.....there is light at the end of this dark tunnel....," he wrote.
Taapsee Pannu shared picture of candles on her Instagram stories. ‘Double Yay,' she wrote.