Hyderabad: In three months from wrapping Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui, Bollywood hit-machine Ayushmann Khurrana has completed the shooting of yet another film. The actor on Saturday announced the wrap-up for his upcoming spy-thriller film Anek, for which he had been shooting in Delhi and North East.
Ayushmann, who headed to Delhi for the shooting of the last schedule of the flick on Tuesday, took to his Instagram and posted pictures reviving his special moments from the film.
Taking to the captions, the Andhadhun actor wrote, "It's a wrap! #Anek is very very special. It's full of surprises. An untouched subject. A very important new age cinema."
The actor further explained why did he become emotional on the last day of shoot by noting, "Coz I will never get to play that character again. I will miss playing Joshua. I will miss North East."