Mumbai: Actor Ayushmann Khurrana has delivered six hits in a row with his latest offering - Dream Girl crossing Rs 100 crore at the box office. He says it is a nice moment for him though he never does films with the pressure to do Rs 100 crore every time he comes on screen.
Ayushmann's first Rs 100 crore film was Badhaai Ho and ever since then, there is no looking back.
"Having another film in the Rs 100 crore club is obviously a nice moment for me though I never do films with the pressure to do Rs 100 crore every time I come on screen. As an artiste, I would then open myself up to making compromises and I never want to do that," said Ayushmann.
"I want to back original content at all times. I thrive by doing good cinema, films that make a mark because they are brilliantly written and brilliantly told on screen," he added.
Dream Girl, technically, is Ayushmann's first mass comedy. He said: "Dream Girl was my attempt at doing an out and out mass comedy and I'm delighted to be getting this kind of the love and appreciation from people pan India."