Mumbai (Maharashtra): Campus comedy-drama Doctor G, starring Ayushmann Khurrana, Rakul Preet Singh and Shefali Shah, will be released in theatres on June 17, 2022. Junglee Pictures, the studio behind Doctor G, announced the release date of the film on Instagram Monday.
"@ayushmannk, @rakulpreet and @shefalishahofficial are coming together for #DoctorG. So get ready to book your appointment for 17th June 2022 at a Cinema near you. #DoctorG releasing on 17th June 2022 in theatres," the post on the banner's official page read.
The film marks the directorial debut of Anubhuti Kashyap, who said she is looking forward to the release of Doctor G in cinema halls.
"With the shoot of the movie wrapped up, we are now gearing up to get the movie ready for theatres.I am really happy to have got the opportunity to work with Ayushmann, Rakul, Shefali, Junglee and the entire team of 'Doctor G' who stood by me and that reflects on screen. It has been an enriching experience. I am really excited to bring the movie to audiences," Kashyap said in a statement.
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