Mumbai: Actor Pooja Bedi is the latest celebrity to extend support to superstar Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan in an alleged drug case. Aryan and five other accused, who were arrested by Narcotic Control Bureau (NCB) in connection with the cruise ship drug raid case, were shifted to the common cell of Arthur Road Jail after their Covid report came negative. Aryan will have to stay in jail at least till October 20.
Pooja is extremely disappointed with the way the ongoing case is being handled. She took to Twitter and questioned the judiciary system. "If no drugs were found on #AryanKhan isn't it appalling that an innocent kid is made to spend days & days in lockup? It's psychologically damaging to be put in jail for no reason. The judicial system needs a major revamp... such systems create criminals by punishing innocents," she tweeted.
READ |Aryan Khan speaks to parents, receives Rs 4500 for 'canteen expenses'