Mumbai: Actor Arvind Swamy, best remembered for his roles in Mani Ratnam's Roja and Bombay, is all set to play the late Tamil superstar and former Chief Minister MG Ramachandran in the biopic Thalaivi, which casts Kangana Ranaut in the central role of the late J. Jayalalithaa.
"MGR and Jayalalithaa starred in 28 box-office hits between 1965 and 1973. While the makers needed a worthy actor to do justice to his role, another criterion was the artiste had to be fluent in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu," a trade source privy to developments revealed, according to a tabloid report.
"Arvind satisfied both criteria. The unit will kick off the shoot for Thalaivi with Kangana from the first week of November in Mysore, and Arvind will join her on November 15," the source added.