Hyderabad:Bollywood actor Sawara Bhasker is no novice to backlash on social media. The actor time and again engages in war of words on social media and this time has taken Twitter by storm with her views on Hindutva and Taliban. On Tuesday, Swara, who is actively sharing news reports and opinions related to the Afghanistan crisis, has shared her opinion on Hindutva and Taliban which has left netizens fuming with anger.
Swara, on her official Twitter, handle wrote, "We can’t be okay with Hindutva terror & be all shocked & devastated at Taliban terror.. & We can’t be chill with #Taliban terror; and then be all indignant about #Hindutva terror! Our humanitarian & ethical values should not be based on identity of the oppressor or oppressed."
The Tanu Weds Manu actor's opinion did no go down well with the tweeple who launched severe trolling attacks on the actor. Disagreeing with Swara, many tweeple have denied 'Hindutva Terror' claiming that is propaganda created by individuals like her.