Mumbai: Bollywood star Arjun Kapoor's upcoming film 'India's Most Wanted' teaser poster has been unveiled by the makers. The actor shared the poster along with the teaser release date on his social media.
Taking to his official Instagram, Arjun shared the teaser poster and wrote, "I am proud to present to all of you #IndiasMostWanted, an unbelievable story inspired by true events. Teaser out tomorrow. @rajkumargupta08 @foxstarhindi #RaapchikFilms #IMW."
'India's Most Wanted' unfolds the story of the mission that captured the country's most wanted terrorist, without firing a single bullet. Arjun will be seen essaying the role of an intelligence officer for the first time on the silver screen.
The movie is directed by Rajkumar Gupta who has earlier helmed films like 'No One Killed Jessica' and 'Raid'.
The teaser of 'India's Most Wanted' will also be attached to 'Kalank' which is releasing on Wednesday.
Produced by Fox Star Studios, Rajkumar Gupta and Myra Karn and presented by Fox Star Studios, 'India's Most Wanted' is slated to release on May 24, 2019.