Hyderabad: Bollywood star Arjun Kapoor has shared a picture of himself from his birthday lunch with partner Malaika Arora. Arjun has given photo credit to Malaika for the picture and said she makes him look good. Arjun celebrated his birthday on June 26. The actor threw a lavish party for his industry friends which was also attended by her sister Anshula Kapoor and half-sisters Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor.
Sharing the picture clicked by his ladylove, Arjun wrote reflected on the past one year when he was tired and confused person but has now evolved into someone who is ready to face the challenges life has to offer. In an Instagram post, the Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar actor also thanked his family, friends and colleagues for standing by his side.
Watch how Arjun Kapoor 'intertwines' this special person in his life 'forever'