Hyderabad (Telangana):Actor Arjun Kapoor has said that his ladylove Malaika Arora is a 'tougher taskmaster' than his trainer as she makes him workout even while being on holiday. The couple is currently unwinding in the Maldives and has been sharing pictures and videos from the holiday paradise.
On Sunday, Arjun took to Instagram to share a video of him and Malaika taking up aqua-cycling. The actor also called Malaika his 'girlfriend' and said that she is a tough 'taskmaster' than his physical trainer Drew Neal.
Sharing the video, Arjun wrote, "When the girlfriend is a tougher taskmaster than your trainer !!! Hey @drewnealpt I’m working out on holiday at the @patinamaldives thanks to @malaikaaroraofficial !!! 🙄😛💪."
Arjun's post garnered love from actor Tara Sutaria, his cousin Rhea Kapoor and her husband Karan Boolani.