Speaking to ANI on Saturday, the actor said she shot the two episodes February 9 and 13 but she was told they were temporary replacements as Sidhu was busy. She said that if approached, she will think about the issue.
One of the two episodes that Archana shot will feature Daler Mehandi, Hansraj Hans and Mika Singh. The other one will feature Sushant Singh Rajpoot , Bhumi Pednekar as guests. Both are yet to be telecast.
According to a source, Navjot Singh Sidhu has been sacked from ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’ after his controversial comments on the Pulwama terror attack.
Cricketer turned politician Sidhu, a cabinet minister in the Punjab government, was an important member of the comedy show.
Reacting to the Pulwama terror attack, which left 40 CRPF personnel killed, Sidhu’s comments drew flak from various quarters.