Mumbai:After Sushant Singh Rajput's sudden demise on June 14, insider vs outsider in Bollywood debate has stirred a storm on the internet. While many are blaming the biggies, Alia Bhatt's sister Shaheen Bhatt has recently exposed a series of rape and death threats she and her family, including the actor have been receiving.
She took to Instagram to share the screenshots of the direct messages in her Instagram account, Shaheen wrote, "Does this surprise you? Why? This doesn’t surprise me."
Appalling! Alia Bhatt's sister Shaheen Bhatt gets rape, death threats Alia's sister also confirmed to take legal action against the online users behind the hate messages.
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She added, "So, I speak now to those of you who think it’s okay to send me or anyone messages full of hate. If you send me a message with the sole hope (I say hope because I promise you-nothing you say is keeping me up at night) of humiliating, insulting, or bullying me, then the following things will happen: -The message or comment will first be blocked and reported to Instagram directly. –You will forfeit the right to your privacy."
Appalling! Alia Bhatt's sister Shaheen Bhatt gets rape, death threats Appalling! Alia Bhatt's sister Shaheen Bhatt gets rape, death threats Appalling! Alia Bhatt's sister Shaheen Bhatt gets rape, death threats Appalling! Alia Bhatt's sister Shaheen Bhatt gets rape, death threats "I will NOT protect your identity. Every shitty message you send me will-should I choose to-go up for everyone to see. Abusers are emboldened by their anonymity. I will not help hide you. – I WILL use all legal recourse available to me to take action. If you think you can’t be located because your account is anonymous, please think again-IP addresses are easily trackable. YOU are not invisible. Harassment is a crime," she added.