Mumbai: Actor Anushka Sharma, who comes from an army background, has remembered all her old friends with whom she lost touch with when their families got posted to different places.
Anushka took to Instagram, where she shared a throwback picture of herself along with some of her childhood friends.
Alongside the image, she wrote, "You make a lot of friends in your life and each one of them has an important part to play in it. Knowingly or unknowingly, they all leave an impression on us. Some of them continue to be in touch and some you think of very fondly and their memories inevitably land up bringing a smile to your face."
"Being from an army background a lot of the friends we made but lost touch with them as and when their families got posted to different places."
"This one's for all our friends. To the ones we've grown up with and the ones who are with us today... Wishing everyone a very happy friendship day!"