Hyderabad: The Indian cricket team has been in the UK for a while now. Bollywood actor-producer Anushka Sharma,who is accompanying her husband Virat Kohli, has shared a picture with cricketers who are spending some quality time together with their family and partners as the next match is a few days away.
Indian Test squad is currently in England's Durham, gearing up for the five-match Test series with England, which will begin on August 4 at the Trent Bridge in Nottingham. Ahead of the Test Series, the players are having a blast in England if their social media feed is anything to go by.
On Friday, Anushka took to social media and shared the photograph which features herself with hubby Virat and daughter Vamika in a pram. The group picture also features Virat's team buddies with their respective families and partners. Sharing the image, Anushka wrote, "Dur'hum' saath saath hai 🙃🦋."