Mumbai: Anushka Sharama's latest production venture Paatal Lok is back in controversy as a Gorkha community group has filed complaint against the Pk actor over some remarks made on the community members in the series.
The All Arunachal Pradesh Gorkha Youth Association filed its complaint online with the National Human Right Commission (NHRC) on May 18 over alleged "sexist slur" made against the community in the web series.
Earlier this week, the Bharatiya Gorkha Yuva Parisangh (BhaGoYuP), the youth wing of Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh, had also started an online campaign seeking that a particular scene is muted and the corresponding sub-title is uploaded again with a disclaimer.
The group alleged that the objectionable remarks have been used against a woman character, whose name suggests she belongs to the Khasi community of Meghalaya.