Hyderabad (Telangana): Actor-producer Anushka Sharma is all set to reunite with her PK co-star Aamir Khan yet again. Anushka is said to be being roped in for Aamir Khan starrer Hindi remake of 2008 released Spanish film Campeones.
According to reports, film's director RS Prasanna approached Anushka to play the lead opposite Aamir. The actor has apparently agreed to play the part but will sign the dotted lines only after the final narration. The film is inspired by Aderes team in Burjassot (Valencia), a team created with people with intellectual disabilities that won twelve Spanish championships between 1999 and 2014.
While speaking to media as a part of his 57the birthday celebration, Aamir was asked if he's remaking Spanish director Javier Fesser, Campeones, the Dangal superstar was pleasantly surprised as to how the information got leaked in the public domain. "I haven't announced my next film yet, how did you get to know? Planning is on, I'll let you know soon," Aamir said.