Mumbai: Actor Anushka Sharma and husband Virat Kohli attended the second edition of Indian sports honours. Anushka said that her husband has given her another reason to be proud of, by taking a unique initiative for the upcoming talents and athletes.
Indian sports honours, which is an initiative by Sanjiv Goenka, chairman, RP-SG Group and Kohli, held at SVP Stadium in Mumbai.
"I always believe that sports is an integral part of every individual's life starting from school and eventually translating to supporting their favourite athletes on TV and during sporting events. I am confident that these awards are a stepping stone which will further encourage talent to excel in their category of sports," Kohli said.
Kohli added, “It is very important for us to recognize and celebrate these athletes to motivate them to continue their excellent performances."
"I think it to be a unique initiative in which you support the upcoming athletes and sportsperson, especially at a stage where they need the support. My husband has always given me reasons to be proud of him and this initiative and his foundation gave me another reason to be proud of," Anushka added.