Mumbai: Actor Sanjay Gandhi has worked with filmmaker Anurag Kashyap on various films. He says the director knows how to maintain and nurture friendship.
Sanjay has also donned the hat of a director. He has directed a short film titled Yaad, and Anurag was of great help.
Speaking about the film, Sanjay said: "I had made this film a decade back and unfortunately lost the hard disc. As a maker of the film, I was so disappointed; the pain of a filmmaker who has lost his first film was unbearable. But luckily when I was shifting my house, I got it back. I always wanted to make a full-fledged film, so I went up to my very close friend Anurag Kashyap and sought his inputs. He advised me to make a short film first. He explained that a director should start with a short film so he can have an idea of the technicalities of filmmaking."