Mumbai: Actor Anupam Kher's autobiography titled 'Lessons Life Taught Me, Unknowingly' is all set to be launched on August 5. Friends and colleagues from the industry including Anil Kapoor and Rishi Kapoor have already congratulated him.
The autobiography is published by Hay House in collaboration with the Penguin Random House.
Describing the same, the publisher in a recent statement said that it is a window to Anupam's life, adding that the story is an "extraordinary, riveting and no-holds-barred saga studded with fascinating behind-the-scenes revelations, anecdotes and rare nuggets of lessons."
The statement also read: "It is nothing short of a grand masala box office hit... It has drama, comedy, romance and even action."
Conveying his best wishes, actor Rishi Kapoor wrote: "Good wishes on the release of your book dear Anupam Kher. Looking forward to meet you again here in New York."