New Delhi: Veteran Bollywood actor Anupam Kher shared an old throwback picture with superstar Shah Rukh Khan and Jackie Shroff, mentioning their distinct styles and how things were different in the good old days. Kher on his Instagram handle shared the epic picture in which he could be seen wearing a white Kurta Pyjama at a party while Shah Rukh was all suited-up with a food plate in hand, looking at the camera. Jackie stood beside Kher, candidly boasting off his rugged style with a bandana.
Penning down a nostalgic caption, Anupam wrote, "When innocently looking at the camera was a style statement!! Unless you are @apnabhidu! When a plate of food in the hand was a natural thing. When a plain kurta pajama was the ultimate party dress. With #Jackie &@iamsrk!! From my album of memories! #Friends #Actors."
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Soon, Jackie's son and actor Tiger Shroff commented on the post and wrote, "Amazing" along with a red heart emoji. Shah Rukh and Kher have collaborated for some fan favourites including 'Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge' and 'Kuch Kuch Hota Hai', amongst others. Jackie and Kher also have participated together in several films such as 'Kaash', 'Ram Lakhan', and 'Parinda'.