Mumbai: Senior Bollywood actor Anupam Kher on Tuesday broke his silence around Sushant Singh Rajput's death case, saying people must raise their voices, to ensure the case is reaching a "logical solution."
The 65-year-old actor, through a video message posted on Instagram, noted that without criticising anyone, and as being an artist, or in the name of humanity, it is our duty to help bring the case to a "logical end."
The Kuch Kuch Hota Hai actor urged people to raise their voices now as Rajput's family, friends, colleagues, and fans who loved him "deserve to know what caused his death."
Adding a hashtag of #JusticeforSushant, the Veer-Zaara actor wrote: "So much has been said, there are so many conspiracy theories, but it is not about who stands on which side anymore, it is about ensuring, that this case reaches a logical conclusion. We must know the truth."
Earlier today, Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar said that he will be recommending a CBI inquiry into the Sushant's death case.