Mumbai: Filmmaker Anubhav Sinha has shared a cryptic tweet, and many netizens feel the tweet is aimed at Prime Minister Narendra Modis beach clean-up initiative at Mahabalipuram.
"He's a bad actor and we like bad acting," tweeted the Article 15 director on Saturday night.
Soon, netizens started playing the guessing game. Many assumed the filmmaker had hinted at Prime Minister Modi, who on Saturday shared pictures of his beach clean-up drive at Mahabalipuram.
Sharing a picture of the PM under Sinha's tweet, one user replied, "Modiji ke baat kar rahe ho sir Hume pata hai (Sir we know you are talking about Modi ji). "
Another shared a picture of the PM and wrote: "Yeh admi meri baat kar raha hai" (this man is talking about me)".