Mumbai: After filmmaker Anurag Kashyap was accused of sexual harassment by actor Payal Ghosh, many women he has known have come forward to extend support to him, particularly his ex-wives Aarti Bajaj and actor Kalki Koechlin, besides actors Taapsee Pannu and Mahie Gill, among others.
Filmmaker Anubhav Sinha took to social media on Monday to commend such gesture.
"It is so heartening to see ladies step out to defend some of their worthy counterparts. Thank you ladies, this is time all of you made sure that the #MeToo movement doesn't become a political tool. Through this tweet sending love to you all," Sinha tweeted from his verified account on Monday.
READ |Don't let this circus get to you: Kalki Koechlin supports Anurag Kashyap after #MeToo row
Sinha also retweeted a statement shared by Kashyap's former wife Kalki who has called the #metoo allegation against him a social media circus.
On Sunday, Sinha had tweeted extending his support to Anurag Kashyap. He wrote: "It is the joint responsibility of women and men both to carefully protect the sanctity of #Metooindia. It is a very very very important movement that should not be misused for any other reason but the dignity of women. @anuragkashyap72."
Payal, who accused Anurag of molesting and treating her badly at his house, will be filing an official complaint against the filmmaker at Oshiwara Police station in Mumbai today on September 21. According to her, she tried to open up about it several times, but her family and close friends asked her to be silent to avoid any problem in the future.