Mumbai (Maharashtra): Streaming giant Netflix on Monday announced its upcoming film Thar, starring Bollywood actors and real-life father-son duo Anil Kapoor and Harsh Varrdhan Kapoor. The revenge noir thriller marks the directorial debut of Raj Singh Chaudhary and is produced by Anil Kapoor Film Company (AKFC). Chaudhary has also written the film and penned the dialogues with Anurag Kashyap.
Inspired by Western Noir genre, Thar is set in the eighties and centres on Siddharth, played by Harsh Varrdhan. "Shifting to Pushkar for a job, Siddharth embarks on a journey to avenge his past. Will he succeed or does Pushkar have something else to offer him?" read the official logline.
Thar which is the second collaboration between Anil Kapoor and Harsh Varrdhan after AK vs AK where the two were seen as themselves -- also stars Fatima Sana Shaikh and Satish Kaushik. Anil Kapoor said he is extremely proud of what the team has achieved with Thar.