Hyderabad:Bollywood actor Ananya Pandaygraced the cover page of a fashion and entertainment magazine for women. After sharing a stunning cover page on Sunday, the Pati Patni Aur Woh actor has now shared few more pictures from her photoshoot for the magazine.
On Monday morning, Ananya started the week on a bright note. The actor took to her Instagram and shared a string of images from her magazine shoot wherein she is seen wearing a golden ensemble by label Nirmooha. Sharing the pictures, Ananyawrote, "just me and Tarzaan the wonder car for @cosmoindia 😎🚗."
Ananya's uber stylish images have floored her followers on Instagram who have flooded her comment section with red heart and fire emojis. Praising her look from the photoshoot, fans are calling her 'Queen', 'Such a slayer!' and 'Beauty' on the social media platform.