Mumbai: Superstar Amitabh Bachchan took to Twitter on Sunday as he cancelled the years-old tradition of Sunday meeting with fans, amid Coronavirus pandemic scare.
The Padma Vibushan awardee tweeted to inform about the cancellation of the tradition of Sunday meeting to greet his fans at his Jalsa doorstep and also advised the fans to be safe amid the COVID-19 Scare. He tweeted, "To all Ef and well-wishers an earnest request! PLEASE DO NOT COME TO JALSA GATE TODAY .. SUNDAY MEET am not going to come! Take PRECAUTIONS .. be safe."
Earlier on Saturday, the Thugs of Hindostan actor talked about the coronavirus and how working in isolation is a work of art. He wrote, "Being held hostage by that great ball of CoVid19 .. coloured in some and in others in the whites of black .. it seeks attention, and mention both .. one would do but no, its the law of the corona .. bear it stare it declare it ensnare it .. but none whatsoever on how to repair it... uncertainties be the landmarked trademark of humanity .. never more entrusted with the weapon that has the prevalence of wiping us all out, does this by meaning mean."
Meanwhile, according to the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the number of coronavirus cases in the country has risen to 93. So far, two deaths due to the COVID-19 have been reported in the country.