Mumbai: It was Delhi's National School of Drama (NSD) that helped late veteran actor Irrfan Khan to find a footing in Indian cinema. In 1986, director Mira Nair had paid visit to NSD to look for actors to cast in her film Salaam Bombay. She picked the 20-year-old Irrfan for a small role.
Apart from letting Irrfan to explore the world of acting, his alma mater also played a crucial role in his love story with his wife Sutapa Sikdar. Sutapa, who is a writer, was Irrfan's collegemate. The two fell in love during their college days and later tied the knot in 1995.
As Irrfan left for his heavenly abode on Wednesday, his alma Mater NSD paid tribute to him.
On the behalf of NSD family, Director-In-Charge Suresh Sharma tweeted: "The news of the demise of noted actor (alumnus NSD) Mr. Irrfan Khan is highly shocking. The NSD family pays a heartfelt tribute. Irrfan Bhai had contributed a lot to theatre. God bless the departed soul."
"Not only the National School of Drama has lost one of its meritorious member, Irrfan's demise is a big loss to the Indian art and cinema fraternity," NSD also said in a statement
Irrfan was only 54. Earlier this week, he was hospitalised after being diagnosed with colon infection. He even battled neuroendocrine tumour for several months and returned to Mumbai a few months ago after being treated in London.