Mumbai: Wishes pour in for Mahesh Bhatt as the filmmaker clocked his 72nd birthday on Sunday. Daughters Alia and Pooja Bhatt, wife Soni Razdan, actors Gulshan Grover and Neena Gupta among others extended birthday wishes for the Bollywood veteran.
Alia Bhatt took to Instagram and wrote: "I have nothing long or nothing wise to say today... Our time this year has been too rich to fit into a caption.. but I will say one thing.. something from our favourite film... 'Look inside yourself, you are more than what you’ve become... remember who you are.. remember!' happy bday my Mufasa... you’re a good man! never believe anything else."
Alongside the note, she also shared a couple of photos. One of them is a picture from her childhood, in which Mahesh Bhatt is seen cradling baby Alia in his arms.
"Happy Birthday sweetheart! Age cannot wither you, nor custom stale your infinite variety... may you keep inspiring us with your wisdom and good sense. And so much more," wrote Soni Razdan on Instagram.
Taking to the comments section, a slew of actors extended birthday wishes to the Mahesh Bhatt.