Hyderabad (Telangana): Bollywood actor Alia Bhatthas a doppelganger and her name is Celesti Bairagey, who has taken over the Internet courtesy her uncanny resemblance to the Raazi actor. Celesti gained fame with her videos on social media and became popular for her striking resemblance to Alia. She currently has 39.6k followers on her Instagram handle.
Her most recent video on the photo-sharing website is captioned "Palat🤷♀️", which currently has more than 4k likes. In the clip, she is seen doing a hair flip while Dil Toh Bachcha Hai Ji from Ishqiya plays in the background.
Celesti has also featured in a romantic Assamese music video titled Bhalpuwa Kinu Hoi. Released on October. the song has garnered more than 4 lakh views on YouTube.