Mumbai: Bollywood star Alia Bhatt recently irked fans for snapping at her bodyguard, a video of which is doing the rounds over the internet.
Alia is one of the most loved stars in town with a humongous fan following. However, when it comes to trolls, not even the biggest superstars are spared, a similar thing happened with the Raazi actor.
In the video, Alia can be seen stepping out of her car when her bodyguards surround her to offer protection from the paparazzi. However, she suddenly yells at her bodyguards asking them to move ahead of her.
Alia's impromptu act didn't go down well with her fans who called out her for showing celebrity tantrums. Some even slammed the actor for being fake.
However, some of Alia's ardent followers even came out in her support defending the actor saying that she just asked the bodyguard to step aside.