New Delhi: Actor Alia Bhatt, who is currently riding high on the success of her latest release Gangubai Kathiawadi, which minted Rs 38.5 crore in its first weekend, agrees that being a public figure is not easy and that constant vigilance and talks about her private life does get stifling at times.
Talking about people wanting to know more about the celebrities' life and if it does get stifling, Alia shared: "It does. But then I am like 'why am I an actor?' If you want to be a public figure then your life will get public. That's why one tries to protect his/her personal life."
The actor, who is reportedly in a relationship with actor Ranbir Kapoor, says she likes to keep her private life guarded. "Like I don't want to give out details of when I am getting married because it is nobody's business or where I am going for lunch as it is nobody's business. But people are speculating and talking about it, now that there is something I can't do much about."
The actor is all set to complete a decade in Hindi cinema in 2022. She made her Bollywood debut with Karan Johar's Student Of The Year in 2012 and was later seen in a string of hits such as Highway, Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania, Udta Punjab, Dear Zindagi, Raazi and Gully Boy to name a few.