Mumbai: Bringing the iconic character of Mr India back to the screens, Bharat director Ali Abbas Zafar is all set to make a trilogy based on the classic film - Mr India - in collaboration with the production company Zee Studios.
After a lot of speculations around the trilogy, the director made the announcement on Monday.
"Excited to partner with @ZeeStudios_for an epic trilogy #MrIndia! It is a huge responsibility to carry forward an iconic character loved by everyone. Currently, working on the script, no actor has been locked till now. Once we lock the first draft of the script, casting begins!" tweeted the director.
Zafar is currently working on the script of the film and will soon sign in actors and technicians for the film after completing the script.
The original film Mr India that featured Anil Kapoor in the lead was one of the first sci-fi films of Indian cinema and was released in 1987.