Mumbai: National Award-winning actor Akshay Kumar has unveiled his look as Laxmmi from the upcoming film Laxmmi Bomb. He says it is a character he's both excited and nervous about but then life begins at the end of the comfort zone.
Akshay on Thursday took to Twitter, where he shared Laxmmi Bomb first look. In the image, Akshay is seen wearing a red saree, a big red bindi and a wig tied up to a bun. He seems to be standing in a temple in front of an idol.
"Navratri is about bowing to the inner goddess and celebrating your limitless strength. On this auspicious occasion, I am sharing with you my look as Laxmmi. A character I am both excited and nervous about... but then life begins at the end of our comfort zone...isn't it? 'Laxmmi Bomb'," he captioned the image.