Mumbai: Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar on Monday shared a funny behind the scenes video from the sets of his upcoming movie Sooryavanshi. In the shared video, Katrina Kaif is seen sweeping the floor with a broom and wacks Akshay with it.
The 52-year-old actor took to his Twitter handle to share the BTS video and addressed Katrina as the newest 'Swachh Bharat' brand ambassador in his tweet.
Alongside the video, he wrote: "Spotted: The newest #SwachhBharat brand ambassador on the sets of #Sooryavanshi #BTS."
Donning a simple embroidered white kurta, Katrina is seen smiling as she sweeps the floors with a broom on the sets of Sooryavanshi.
In the video, Akshay while recording the video asked, "What are you doing?"