Hyderabad:Even after two weeks of its release on March 11, the popularity of 'The Kashmir Files' remains intact. A 15 crore budget movie has broken box office records by earning over 200 crores by now and it does not seem to stop any soon. Amid all this, Akshay Kumar's film Bachchan Pandey was released on March 18 on Holi, but unfortunately could not perform so well at the box office. Although Akshay praised the film The Kashmir Files, but with regard to his movie, he said that he has suffered a big loss.
Talking about The Kashmir Files in an interview, Akshay Kumar said that Vivek ji has put fort a very painful truth of our country through 'The Kashmir Files'. The film came like a huge wave, which left us all shook. "Wo aur baat hai ki meri picture ko bhi duba diya (It is a different thing that this wave drowned my film)". In the box office race, it has also left behind Akshay Kumar's film 'Sooryavanshi'. After the COVID-19 pandemic, 'Sooryavanshi' was the first film to collect more than Rs 150 crore at the box office.