Mumbai: Actor Akshay Kumar has pledged to contribute Rs 3 crore to Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) to assist the making of personal protection equipment, masks and rapid testing kits to help the battle against COVID-19.
Film critic and movie trade analyst Taran Adarsh announced on the same on Twitter on Friday and wrote: "After donating Rs 25 crores to the PM CARES fund, Akshay Kumar contributes Rs 3 crores to BMC to assist in the making of PPE, masks and rapid testing kits."
The Good Newwz actor has been informing people about the necessary precautions to be taken to stay safe amid the coronavirus outbreak through his social media handles.
On Thursday, Akshay acknowledged the contribution of all essential workers during the lockdown period, and encouraged people to use the hashtag Dil Se Thank You to express their gratitude to the people "who work to ensure our safety."