Mumbai: Akshay Kumar on Friday issued a statement regarding the controversy over his citizenship. He says he has never hidden or denied that he holds a Canadian passport and that he doesn't understand the unwarranted interest and negativity about it.
"I really don't understand the unwarranted interest and negativity about my citizenship. I have never hidden or denied that I hold a Canadian passport. It is also equally true that I have not visited Canada in the last seven years," Akshay tweeted.
"I work in India, and pay all my taxes in India. While all these years, I have never needed to prove my love for India to anyone, I find it disappointing that my citizenship issue is constantly dragged into needless controversy, a matter that is personal, legal, non-political, and of no consequence to others," he added in the statement.
He concluded by saying, "Lastly, I would like to continue contributing in my small way to the causes that I believe in and make India stronger and stronger."
His absence from the polling booth made netizens think that it was due to his alleged Canadian citizenship.