Mumbai: Actors Akshay Kumar and Diljit Dosanjh, who are awaiting the release of their upcoming film titled Good Newwz, have undergone a demo labour pain test to understand what expecting mothers go through during childbirth.
Amping up the promotional game, Akshay on Saturday took to social media to share a video where he is seen trying the test along with Diljit.
In the video, the two are seen on stretchers as electric wires connect their abdomen to their respective contracting machines that are supposed to give them electric stimulations.
As the doctor raises the contraction speed, the actors are seen screaming and going red in pain.
Sharing the video on Instagram, Akshay wrote: "Diljit Dosanjh and me experience labour pain : Good Newwz... A small step to understand what mothers go through by @diljitdosanjh and me. Dil se - Respect to all the mummies out there, delivering #GoodNewwz is harder than anyone can imagine!"