Mumbai (Maharashtra): Filmmaker Rohit Shetty says he is aware of the audience's excitement for the third installment of his cop-action drama Singham, but the director says the film won't start rolling until late 2022. At the end of his latest blockbuster Sooryavanshi, Shetty teased a third installment of his popular Singham franchise, headlined by superstar Ajay Devgn.
The climax of the film led to several speculations that the maker would set the film in Kashmir, against the backdrop of the revocation of Article 370.
The article, which granted the special status to the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir, was abrogated in August 2019.
When asked about the same, Shetty said, "I read that it's set in Kashmir and Article 370 is there... I was like, even I don't know! People are saying... But that happens with any big scale film. People write their stories, so it's fine."
Shetty said the team has a "basic idea" of what the story of the film would be but he is yet to pen the final draft. The filmmaker said Singham 3 is a long way ahead as he is already occupied with his upcoming Ranveer Singh-starrer comedy Cirkus and Devgn also has a slate of pending films.
"We have a basic idea of what the story will be, because it continues from where Sooryavanshi left. The reality is, we are making Cirkus, we leave for the film's last schedule in Ooty on December 2. We will finish that film first.