Hyderabad: Actor Akshay Kumar has been admitted to a Mumbai hospital as a precautionary measure a day after he tested COVID-19 positive. Before testing positive for novel coronavirus, Akshay was busy shooting for his upcoming film Ram Setu. According to the latest reports, apart from Kumar, as many as 45 crew members working on the film have tested positive for COVID-19.
Akshay was tested positive for the virus five days after starting the shoot of his action-adventure drama Ram Setu. Apart from Kumar, as many as 45 crew members working on the film have tested positive for COVID-19. According to reports, a crew of nearly 100 was set to begin filming in Madh Island from April 5 but when the mandatory COVID-19 tests were done, 40 junior artists tested positive.
READ |COVID-19 positive Akshay Kumar hospitalised as precautionary measure