Hyderabad: Superstar Akshay Kumar, who has historical drama Prithviraj on floors, was offered Suheldev but the actor has reportedly turned down the period drama which is a screen adaption of Amish Tripathi's novel, Legend of Suheldev.
Akshay has refused to come on board to play Suheldev, a legendary Indian king from Shravasti in the film due to dates and creative differences, a webloid reported.
To have Akshay on board, Ashwin jetted off to Delhi earlier this month and talked about the project in detail, the report further revealed. After hearing the narration, Akshay apparently felt that though the film will be mounted on a lavish scale, the script still needs to be reworked. Besides creative differences, the dates Akki's dates are a major issue since the actor has signed multiple films which will be rolled out in the next two years.