Hyderabad (Telangana): Actor Abhishek Bachchan is known for putting trolls in their place with his wit and humour. This time the one to whom Bachchan Jr gave a taste of his own medicine is Kamaal R Khan. When Abhishek took to social media to laud the content of Malayalam cinema, Kamaal jumped into trolling the Guru actor but failed miserably in doing so.
On Saturday, Abhishek took to his Twitter handle to laud the team of upcoming Malayalam film Vaashi, starring actors Tovino Thomas and Keerthy Suresh in the lead roles. Sharing the motion poster of the film, Abhishek wrote, "Another incredible movie coming from Malayalam film industry!! Good luck @ttovino, @KeerthyOfficial and the entire cast and crew! #Vaashi #tovinothomas #keerthyofficial #malayalam."
Soon after Abhishek tweeted, Kamaal tried to take a sly dig at him and the Hindi film industry and wrote, "Bhai Kabhi Aap Bollywood Wale Bhi koi incredible film Bana Dena! (Brother, someday, you Bollywood people should also make an incredible film." Responding to KRK, Abhishek wrote, "Prayaas karenge. Aapne banai thi na….. Deshdrohi. (We will try. You had made one… Deshdrohi)."