Hyderabad: In a rare phenomenon, a parade of planets will be seen in the sky starting on Tuesday, 28 March 2023. Every year, some of the planets of the solar system align in a straight line, causing a 'Planet Parade' of some sort, which is visible to the naked eye. These planets start appearing as the sunset begins. In this parade, people can see planets such as Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus. This amazing astronomical sight is also called 'Planet Parade' or 'Planet Alignment'.
Amar Pal Singh, an astronomer at the Veer Bahadur Singh Planetarium, Gorakhpur-Uttar Pradesh, notified that as soon as the sunset is about to take place, people should start facing the West and look at the clear sky to witness this marvel of planets lining up. People can experience more efficiently if they possess binoculars or a telescope.
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Even on normal days, people can see two or three planets in the sky, but during this special time of the year, people can watch this great spectacle of five planets lining up together along with the moon from their homes. Although it gets difficult to spot the planet Uranus. People can visit the Veer Bahadur Singh Planetarium at Gorakhpur to witness this astronomical event through special kinds of telescopes and get informed about it completely free of cost.
According to Amar Pal Singh, this astronomical phenomenon will start appearing in the sky right after sunset. Apparently, the sunset in India will take place at 06:36 pm on 28th March, and this event will be visible from 06:36 pm to 07:15 pm in the evening. But after this, the planets Mercury and Jupiter won't be visible in the parade, and to see them again you need to plan your viewing time. The planets Mercury and Jupiter will be visible at about 06:36 pm, and the planets Venus and Uranus will be visible at 08:34 pm and 08:44 pm respectively. The Planet Parade was last seen on 24th June 2022, and it will be visible next on 8th September 2024.