Melbourne (Australia): Every summer, many Australians head to the ocean to swim, surf, sail, kayak, and walk along the beach. But humans are not alone when we use the ocean. Fish, seals, dolphins, sharks, jellyfish, turtles, stingrays, cuttlefish, and birds often swim alongside us.
When we enter the ocean we become part of an entangled web of animal relationships. Encountering animals when we swim and surf in the ocean is fun and exciting. But sharing the water with animals also comes with the risk of stings, bites, frights, and injury to us. It can also bring harm to ocean wildlife. By educating ourselves about marine life, humans can minimise risks to ourselves and the animals who call the ocean home.
We can frighten animals, and they can scare us:Despite how vulnerable we feel when swimming, our presence in the ocean can frighten or harm an animal. Animals may see us as a predator and alter their behaviour accordingly. Fish, birds and small stingrays might swim off, and turtles might delay rising to the ocean's surface to breathe.
Not all animals are frightened of humans. It's a highlight when curious dolphins swim and play around us. But dolphins can attack humans or other animals if they feel threatened - for example when feeding or protecting their young. Humans can also be scared of animals in the water. This fear drives the use of shark nets off beaches or, less commonly, shark culls.
Shark nets are controversial not least because they can entangle and kill animals including turtles, non-target sharks, stingrays, and whales. Even more controversial are shark culls, such as those planned for Western Australia in 2013 after a spate of fatal shark attacks. The plan was later abandoned, after it was criticised as cruel and lacking scientific basis. Killing or harming ocean animals so humans can have fun in the water raises all sorts of questions and moral dilemmas. So how else might we keep ourselves safe in the ocean?
Learn about ocean animals:Learning about what ocean animals you might encounter and when can help keep both people and animals safe. Some animals are present year-round. But, as whale watchers and fisherman are well aware, many animals are more active in a particular seasons or only appear at certain times of the year.
For example, in cooler months in the waters off northern Australia, manta rays are most active. Leopard sharks, meanwhile, appear during warmer months in southeast Queensland and northeast New South Wales. And from November until May or June, a variety of marine stingers can be found in the coastal waters of Far North Queensland. These include the potentially lethal box jellyfish.