Hyderabad: Skyroot Aerospace, which successfully launched the country's first private rocket Vikram-S recently, plans to launch Vikram-1, a much bigger rocket to place satellites into orbit, within a year. The Hyderabad-based space startup also aims to slash costs of space travel in the future. "..now that we have done first private rocket launch, Vikram-S, our next plan is to launch Vikram-1 which is a much bigger rocket putting satellites into orbit. That we want to do within a year from now," Pawan Chandana, co-founder of Skyroot, told PTI here Monday evening.
Skyroot also wants to become one of the first few companies in the world who can place satellites into orbit. He said the firm has raised about USD 68 million, which is the largest in the aerospace startup ecosystem in India. "Of course, it took close to four years to raise this kind of capital. Now, we are good for first few launches to orbit and then, of course, it has been very challenging because first time somebody went to the market and raised such large capital," Chandana said.
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