Lausanne (Switzerland):The final frontier has rarely seemed closer than this — at least virtually. Researchers at one of Switzerland's top universities are releasing open-source beta software that allows for virtual visits through the cosmos.
They have pulled together what they call the largest data set of the universe to create three-dimensional, panoramic visualisations of space. "We have reproduced in this room, in virtual reality, different portions of our universe," said Yves Revaz, senior scientist at the laboratory of astrophysics of École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).
"In particular, here, you can see the Earth and just in front of it, the International Space Station which is orbiting around the Earth."
Software engineers, astrophysicists and experimental museology experts at the EPFL have built a virtual map that can be viewed through individual VR gear, immersion systems like panoramic cinemas with 3D glasses, dome screens, or just on a PC for two-dimensional viewing.
The main interest of the team is to be able to visualise the universe at different scales.
"In our representation of our universe in virtual reality, we can jump from different scales. So we started before from the Earth, we are now looking at the large, what is called the large scale structures (patterns of galaxies) of the universe," said Revaz.
Simply put, their 3D model is a sort of Google Earth, but for the universe. Computer algorithms use tens of terabytes of data and produce images that can appear as close as 1 meter (about 3 feet), or almost infinitely far away.
"So what we see here now, is a representation of the universe that has been obtained thanks to gigantic numerical consignation. In fact, thanks to computers, we are able to reproduce the evolution over a long period of time of a portion of the universe that lets us understand how the matter is distributed all around the universe," said Revaz.
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The Virtual Reality Universe Project (VIRUP) is accessible to everyone for free, but it does require at least a computer and is best visualised with VR equipment or 3D capabilities.
"So this is really the reason why we developed VIRUP, that is to access the universe through standard virtual reality systems, like this one. That is the standard one that is usually used by gamers," said Revaz. The immersive experience also makes the universe more approachable for an amateur audience.
"With the glasses, the immersion is fantastic, it's really like if you are floating in the universe and you are much bigger than a normal human. For example, here I see the Earth and I feel it is really small, like a normal soccer ball," Revaz added.
Thanks to the realistic 3D model, people will be able to travel through the universe from home. "Indeed, we start from the Earth, we visit the planets, we visit the Milky Way, all the stars that compose the Milky Way, but we can also discover the large scale structure of the universe. That is a very efficient way of visiting all the different scales that compose our universe, and this is completely unique."