Cambridge (Massachusetts, US): Some cancers respond well to immunotherapy, a medication therapy that prompts the immune system to target tumours, although results against lung cancer have been conflicting. A new study from MIT helps to shed light on why the immune system mounts such a lackluster response to lung cancer, even after treatment with immunotherapy drugs.
In a study on mice, the researchers found that bacteria naturally found in the lungs help to create an environment that suppresses T-cell activation in the lymph nodes near the lungs. The researchers did not find that kind of immune-suppressive environment in lymph nodes near tumors growing near the skin of mice. They hope that their findings could help lead to the development of new ways to rev up the immune response to lung tumors.
"There is a functional difference between the T-cell responses that are mounted in the different lymph nodes. We're hoping to identify a way to counteract that suppressive response, so that we can reactivate the lung-tumor-targeting T cells," said Stefani Spranger, the Howard S. and Linda B. Stern Career Development Assistant Professor of Biology, a member of MIT's Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, and the senior author of the new study. MIT graduate student Maria Zagorulya is the lead author of the paper, which appears today in the journal Immunity.
Failure to attack:For many years, scientists have known that cancer cells can send out immunosuppressive signals, which leads to a phenomenon known as T-cell exhaustion. The goal of cancer immunotherapy is to rejuvenate those T cells so they can begin attacking tumors again. One type of drug commonly used for immunotherapy involves checkpoint inhibitors, which remove the brakes on exhausted T cells and help reactivate them. This approach has worked well with cancers such as melanoma, but not as well with lung cancer.
Spranger's recent work has offered one possible explanation for this: She found that some T cells stop working even before they reach a tumor, because of a failure to become activated early in their development. In a 2021 paper, she identified populations of dysfunctional T cells that can be distinguished from normal T cells by a pattern of gene expression that prevents them from attacking cancer cells when they enter a tumor. "Despite the fact that these T cells are proliferating, and they're infiltrating the tumor, they were never licensed to kill," Spranger says.
In the new study, her team delved further into this activation failure, which occurs in the lymph nodes, which filter fluids that drain from nearby tissues. The lymph nodes are where "killer T cells" encounter dendritic cells, which present antigens (tumor proteins) and help to activate the T cells.