New Delhi: Reliance Jio recorded almost 600 Mbps median download speed on its 5G network in Delhi while India's overall 5G speed hit 500 Mbps as the country rolled out 5G services, a report showed on Tuesday. According to Ookla's 'Speedtest Intelligence' report, telecom operators have been testing their networks and they witnessed a wide range of 5G download speeds - from low double-digit (16.27 Mbps) to 809.94 Mbps.
"This data points to the fact that the operators are still recalibrating their networks. The speeds are expected to be more stable moving forward as these networks will enter the commercial stage," the report mentioned. Ookla compared median 5G download speeds across four cities where both Jio and Airtel have built their networks.
In Delhi, Airtel reached nearly 200 Mbps median download speed at 197.98 Mbps while Jio almost broke 600 Mbps (598.58 Mbps). In Kolkata, operators' median download speeds varied the most since June. Airtel's median download speed was 33.83 Mbps while Jio had faster median download speed at 482.02 Mbps. In Mumbai, Airtel's has reached 271.07 Mbps median download speed compared to Jio's 515.38 Mbps median download since June. In Varanasi, Jio and Airtel achieved closer parity, with Airtel achieving a 5G median download speed at 516.57 Mbps to Jio's 485.22 Mbps median download speed since June 2022.